Web Site License Requirements & Limitations

The web site license allows you to use of all of the high end .netCHARTING Enterprise Edition features for a single fully qualified domain on one server.

Domain Format Requirements: The web site license requires a valid fully qualified domain in the format of xyz.domain.ext.  For any licensed domain it will also work with and without the www subdomain at no additional charge.

Additional subdomains or fully qualified domains would require an additional license or purchase of a server version license which is not fully qualified domain specific.

Valid Web Site License Examples:
domain.com / www.domain.com / subdomain.domain.com / sub1.sub2.domain.com / www.sub.domain.com

Invalid Examples (server version required): / servername / server.name

Usage with SSL / https web sites:
Your single web site license will work with or without SSL for your licensed domain so a license for www.domain.com will work for both http://www.domain.com and https://www.domain.com

Changing your single web site license fully qualified domain:
The single web site license is bound to the address provided at the time of purchase and may not be changed.  We do offer an upgrade to the server version for the difference in price without penalty if you require usage on a different domain.

Note: A single web site license may only be used / installed on one server.  Please see the related article on licensing for server farms and clusters if you need to use the product in such an environment.

Posted Monday, March 15, 2004 by Support