At .netCHARTING we are pleased to offer "no nonsense" licensing. You simply purchase a license for each production web site or web server for
WebForms (ASP.NET) usage or for each developer and application utilizing .netCHARTING for
WinForms (desktop) usage.

Web Site License (non SaaS)
- Usage on a single fully qualified domain for 1 server (e.g.
All .netCHARTING Enterprise level
Frequently asked questions 
Frequently asked questions 

The website license allows usage on a single domain such as This means that
any charts that are viewed through this domain will be licensed and
the branding will be gone. However, the licensed domain name must be
used in the browser address bar.

Web Server License (non SaaS)
Usage for any number of web sites on 1
All .netCHARTING enterprise level features
Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

 The server license applies to all websites/domains on a single
server box. The license is not bound to a server's IP address and is
transferable between servers, however, it cannot be used on multiple
servers at the same time. The server license may only be installed one (1) server at one time however you are free to use the development version (branded not for production use) on any number of servers for development and testing purposes.

SaaS Licensing

 If you charge your customers recurring or one-time fees
to access your web application, that usage is considered a
Software as a Service (SaaS) implementation. Regular web
site or web server licenses may not be used for SaaS
implementations. To inquire about SaaS, OEM or volume
licensing, please contact |

Usage on your internal network is similar to
standard web based licensing.
Website License |
Server License |
Suitable if your intranet web site has a valid fully qualified domain such as intranet.yourdomain.ext
Usage on any number of fully qualified domain names on a single server.
- Required if your intranet site is accessed through a server name (http://yourserver), localhost or other non-FQDNs.
SharePoint Web Part

SharePoint web parts require strongly named DLLs and therefore the
server license is required for such a project. |
Farms or Clusters (Single Domain)

A license purchase is required for each node, even if the farm is hosting a single domain. In a virtual or multi-peered environment, a license is required for each OS install even if deployed on a single physical machine. |

WinForms (desktop) Licensing
In addition to usage in a server and web site environment,
.netCHARTING is also available for use in Winforms (desktop)
environments. Visit our
WinForms Charting Store
for more options, information and
Each WinForms (desktop) license purchase includes:
- A license for WinForms (desktop) usage for one developer working on
one application.
- The complete set of Enterprise level .netCHARTING features
- Royalty free distribution when the
distribution terms are met.
Custom Licensing
If you are interested in SaaS,volume or OEM licensing for your project please email
with specifics on your
requirements and project details. |