Order ID:
Please enter your .netCHARTING orderid. This information, along with other sensitive details, will not be publicly displayed. To see exactly what will display, please view the case study gallery.[numeric only]
Company Name: *
The company name of the company who implemented the project. [max 255 chars.]
Customer Company Name:
The company name of the customer the project was inmplemented for, if this is the same as company name please leave this field blank. [max 255 chars]
Charts per month: *
Number of charts generated by the project per month. [numeric only]
Users per month: *
Number of end users accessing the project each month. [numeric only]
Project Name: *
The name or title of the project in question. [max 255 chars]
Project Type: *
The type of project select from available options.
Project Objective: *
A brief one or two sentence description of the project objective with regards to charting. [max 255 chars.]
Detailed Description: *
A detailed (1 or more paragraph) project description including specifics on how .netCHARTING was used in the project.
Most positive Experience: *
What pleased you the most working with .netCHARTING for this project?
Least positive Experience:
What was your biggest problem working with .netCHARTING for this project?
Screen Shot: *
A screen shot of the chart image(s) in context of the entire application. For example a screen shot of the web browser showing the application in use with a chart displayed. PNG or low compression JPG images are ideal.
Actual chart images: *Chart 1
*Chart 2
Chart 3
Chart 4
Two to four actual chart images as generated by .netCHARTING. Typically these would be depend on the output settings used in your specific application.
* - indicates a required field.