How can I detect if a chart will have no data?

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How can I detect if a chart will have no data?


How can I detect if a chart will have no data?


First you have to use the dataEngine to get a populated series collection. See: Q10392

Then, you can see if the series collection has series and if the series have elements.


SeriesCollection sc = myDataEngine.GetSeries();
bool hasData = false;
if(sc.Count > 0)
    foreach(Series s in sc)
        if(s.Elements.Count != 0)
            hasData = true;

You may also control the 'no data' label by using:
Chart.NoDataLabel.Text = "..";

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Last Modified:Thursday, January 20, 2005
Last Modified By: Support
Rated 3 stars based on 3 votes.
Article has been viewed 8,014 times.